Wednesday, 18 March 2015

"From darkness to light"- the story of our logo and motto of DRF. ‪#‎dreamwithDRF‬
Our teams of LABS,LABS-PwD and Rural Livelihoods create sustainable livelihoods.
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Monday, 16 March 2015

Blossoms @ PWD, Cochin (Batches 1B&2A)

An important lesson in the quest for quality is accepting failures with humility”

Raghu Gudipati, who heads the Quality Assurance and Enhancement vertical at Dr.Reddy's foundation, Hyderabad follows this tenet for living and working wholeheartedly ! He shares the experience of his recent visit to the LABS-PwD center at Cochin, where he found teamwork and heartfelt connections, among the DRF Team.

Says Raghu "I found a great energy in aspirants while they were sharing about their experience in LABS and how LABS helped them to connect to their life and made them feel happy. I acknowledge the efforts made by Ms. Lekshmi (CE facilitator), Mr. Harish (ITES facilitator) and Ms. Karthika (SLI facilitator) for their dedication in this journey.

Raghu got an opportunity to visit one of the secretaries Mr. Muralidharan, who supported DRF in doing LABS programme. While interacting with him, Raghu related to the following quote on ‘serving people’ . In Sevasramam, they believe that 'Service is to be done not in the spirit of pity or sympathy but in a spirit of worship, the receiver being in the position of God and the giver as the blessed worshipper'.  
Raghu's  experience is best said in the following words "My deep gratitude to entire PWD LABS team as whenever I visit any of the PWD LABS, I get a great learning which gives me a different perspective about life"  #dreamwithDRF

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Wednesday, 4 March 2015

LABS Success Story _Dream with DRF

LABS (Livelihoods Advancement Business School) has transformed the lives of many youth in India. Read about Ms.Yasmin Khan, a confident achiever, and one of our success stories of LABS ‪#‎dreamwithDRF‬
"Yasmeen’s prospects changed when she attended a LABS awareness program and decided to enroll in the IT-enabled Services domain. She did well and landed a job with Café Coffee Day, Bhopal . Her sister, Shahin, followed suit and also got a job with CCD.Today, the two sisters contribute more to the household than their father, and their lifestyles have changed as well. Their success and confidence have gained them greater freedom and respect in their home and the community."

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Tuesday, 3 March 2015

  • Launched in 2010, the Livelihood Advancement Business School for Farmers (LABS-F) provides small and marginal farmers with knowledge and access to ecologically sustainable and cost-effective technologies and methods to improve agricultural productivity and net income.
    The program also identifies employment potential in nearby developing areas and uses this information to skill rural youth and link them with jobs. This not only addresses the problem of underemployment of rural youth, but also reduces their dependency on agriculture by providing alternate sources of income generation.
    The program is aimed at enhancing the economic well-being of marginalized communities by:
    •  - Enabling higher productivity and agricultural sustainability on the farm
    •  - Transfer of small and appropriate technologies for marginal farmers
    •  - Reducing pressure on farms by skilling youth and placing them in jobs
     The program has reached out to over 7,394 farmers to date, enhancing their livelihoods for an estimated aggregate benefit of over Rs 56 million, with a ten-fold return on investment (ROI). In addition, 570 rural youth have also been skilled and placed, with an average monthly salary of Rs 4,500. The improved cash flows to these families are bringing in many-faceted changes and positively impacting the quality of their lives.


Monday, 2 March 2015

From LABS, to LIFE #dreamwithDRF

DRF pioneered LABS (Livelihood Advancement Business School), an effective short-term skill development program that prepares youth for careers in emerging service sectors such as Hospitality, Customer Relations and Sales/ Retail Sales, BPO voice and non-voice and other market-driven service domains. The core focus of the training program is to ensure placements, thereby addressing issues of employability and income generation, and improving the quality of life of underprivileged youth in India.
Over 290,000 youth have been trained to date under the LABS program, with an average placement rate of 70%. Operational in over 75 centers across India, this one-of-its kind business school tells the collective success story of tens of thousands of economically disadvantaged youth, and of their journey to self-respect and financial independence.
Major Highlights
  • School/ college dropouts in the age group of 18-30 years undergo a 45-day training program in a specific domain that renders them employable and work ready.

  • LABS provides technical and soft skills training in an environment of interactive learning and mentoring, which develops the inherent strengths of these youth and enables them to gain a foothold in the competitive job market.
  • The curriculum is constantly upgraded in tune with industry requirements. The aspirants are also put through intensive Communicative English, on-the-job training and work-readiness modules to help them understand and tackle the workplace effectively.
  • The success of the LABS approach has led government and non-government training agencies to implement similar models across the country. 100+ training agencies and 18 government ministries are implementing similar models as part of their skill development initiatives.
  • Since September 2011, this model has undergone a shift towards sustainability, primarily through two major enhancements: 1) charging aspirants a small fee, thus converting them from beneficiaries to customers; and 2) making process innovations to decrease costs, thus making it an affordable model that can have a larger impact.

     Know more about us at Dr.Reddy's Foundation, Hyderabad 

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    Media Alert : DRF has been featured in Sakshi newspaper, a leading vernacular daily in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.#dreamwithDRF